December 8th, 2011

Downloading Embroider This! Free Designs

Embroider This! offers over 200 free designs that you can download anytime and stitch out on your own embroidery machine. We offer our free designs in up to 18 different file formats to accommodate the many different sewing and embroidery machines available on the market today. Read on to learn what the format means, how to download, unzip, and use these great free embroidery designs brought to you by y0ur friends at

What’s in a File Format Name?

The machine embroidery design files are “formatted” so they can be read and used by embroidery machines from different manufacturers. Different brands of embroidery machines “read”  different file formats in the same way a MS Excel program can read a .xls file and a MS Word program can ”read” a .doc file but not vice versa! 

Before you download the free designs, you need to know which format your particular embroidery machine needs.  This information can be found in your embroidery machine owner’s manual, on the website of your embroidery machine’s manufacturer, or from your local embroidery machine dealer. If you already have some designs for your embroidery machine, you can find the format by looking at the name of the file for the design. The format is expressed as a three letter extension at the end of the design name after the “dot” (.) like:  flower.pes  (pes is the file format) or (sew is the format).  

Following is a list of common file formats and the embroidery machines associated with each:

Format Embroidery Machine Manufacturer
ART Bernina Artista, OESD
ASD Melco
CND Melco Condensed
CSD POEM, Singer Eu, Viking Huskygram
DST Tajima
EMB Wilcom V6
EMD Elna Expressive
EXP Melco Dos Expanded
GNC Great Notions Condensed
HUS Viking Husqvarna
JEF Janome / New Home
PCD Pfaff
PCS Pfaff
PCM Pfaff
PES and PEC Baby Lock, Bernina Deco, Brother, Simplicity
SEW Elna, Janome / New Home, Kenmore
SHV Viking Husqvarna
VIP  Pfaff
VP3 Pfaff
XXX  Singer XL, Compucon

 Once you know your embroidery machine’s file format you will be able to select the correct free design file to use on your embroidery system. Some of our early free machine embroidery designs have the option of downloading a zip file containing only the specific file format you need for your machine. As the number of formats we could offer expanded, we began to offer our more recent free design files in a zipped package that contains all of the different formatted files in just one zipped file.  When you unzip the file with your zip software you can extract (save) just the file format  you need for your embroidery machine. You will find the details on downloading, unzipping, and saving the files below.

Downloading the Free Design Files

Downloading is actually pretty easy. In essence, when you are downloading, you are simply saving a file from our website to your computer. The file you are downloading and saving is a ZIP file.  The designs are provided in a zip file to make the download process faster and to protect the integrity of the files during the download process. Due to the file size, if it were downloaded without being in a zip file, the embroidery files may become damaged and unusable (corrupt).   Zip files are explained in greater detail later in this document.

To download a free design, first go to the page of the design that you wish to download. Scroll down the page until you find the place indicated for you to “click for download”.  As described above, some of the older designs will have a table of individual file format links for you to click and download a zip file containing only the format used on your embroidery machine.  The more recent free designs will have only one place to click and download all the file formats together in one zip file. In either case, when you click the download link, a standard computer “dialog box” appears with an option for you to either ”Open”,  “Save” , or “Cancel” the file. You always want to choose SAVE.

When you click on the SAVE option, a “Save As” dialog box will appear allowing you to navigate to the place (folder) where you want to save this file. This a is very important step because you must remember later where you saved this file so you can find it!   Most computers will default to the place where you last saved a document for this “Save In” dialog box but this may not be someplace you would think to look for the file later, so be sure to navigate to where you want the file to be saved before saving this embroidery design file.  I recommend creating a folder called “My Embroidery Designs” in your My Documents directory and always using this folder to save your designs. Use the little down arrow next to the “Save In” box to see where the current folder is located. Use the up folder arrow to move up a folder level, click on a folder in the window, or create a new folder in which to keep this design. Make note of where the  folder is located so you will be able  to find it later.  Another option would be to  save the downloaded file initially to your desktop then you will find it easily because the desktop view. You can always move it later if you wish to a file folder somewhere else on your computer.


The free designs are provided in a zip file to protect them during download and facilitate faster transfer over the internet.  This zip file must be first saved to your computer, then unzipped to remove the files you wish to use (sometimes called “extracting”). The file you need for your embroidery machine should be first saveed outside of the “zip” file to your computer.  Think of a zip file like a big plastic bag into which other  files have been placed. The air is then squeezed out of the bag (compressing the individual files) to make the overall zip file  smaller and easier to transfer over the internet. The “plastic bag” or zip file also helps protect the files inside during transfer over the internet.  After downloading a zip file, you open the bag (unzip the file), and extract (take out) the files you need, and the files go back to their original shape and size!  Each zip program works a bit differently so follow the instructions for your program. Winzip ( is a good zip program and I have also had success with PKZip. I am sure there are many other zip programs available to do the job as well. It doesn’t matter which zip program you use to get the design files out of the zip file.  Along with the sewing machine formatted files in the zip file, you will also find a  picture of what the design looks like (usually a .jpg file), and a text file (.txt), that gives you the color stop info and what color thread to use at each stop. 

Notes on the Appearance of Colors for the Embroidery Design after Download:  When you open or display the free design after download you may see it colorized with some pretty odd colors!  When the files are reformatted for each of the 18 different machine formats, the thread color selection information often does not translate at all and the design may appear in your format with very odd colors displayed at each of the color stops when you view it in your embroidery software.   It simply takes too much time for me to reassign all the color choices for each of the 18 file formats, so I leave that task for you to do if you wish. The free designs from Embroider This! come with a text document that  lists the color stops and suggested thread colors to use at each of these stops.   You can use your embroidery software program to reassign the colors displayed at each stop to see a better visual of the design.  The Buzz Tools ( company offers excellent affordable design editing sofware as does the Amazing Designs company (  .  The Amazing Designs company also offers free software called Edit Express Lite that allows you to view and change the colors for a design as well as perform other simple editing functions. This free software is available at this link:

Remember, you can thread your machine with any color you wish at each color stop regardless of what the picture of the design looks like on your computer or embroidery machine display screen!

Transfer the Design File from your computer to Your Sewing Machine.

Now that you have extracted and saved the design file you need for your embroidery machine to a folder on your computer , the next step is to transfer the design file from your computer to your embroidery machine.  The free design files cannot be downloaded and transferred directly from our website to your sewing machine. The zip file must be downloaded and saved to you computer first, then the zip file  can be opened and the design file in the format used for your machine extracted (taken out of the zip file and saved to your computer). Once you have saved the design file in the format you need for your embroidery machine, you are now ready to transfer design files from your computer to your embroidery machine.

This transfer process can be accomplished in many different ways. Some embroidery machines have a floppy drive, some a cd drive, and some can use a USB memory stick. others connect to the computer with a cable. Some folks use an external converting box that allows you to write the file from your computer to a blank memory card inserted into the box that is then removed from the box and placed in your embroidery machine. Check with your embroidery machine dealer and owners manual to see what options are available for your embroidery machine system.

Once the design has been transferred to you embroidery machine using the standard method for your system, you are ready to stitch!

I hope this information helps you get those free designs downloaded and stitching soon!

Button Edged Bloomers

February 4th, 2011

Our New Fancy Pants Button Scalloped Edged Bloomers are a charming  finishing touch to any little girls dress. They also make any plain outfit special and pair beautifully with a simple t-shirt.

These sweet retro diaper covers are available in white with a delicate white satin stitched scalloped edges. Traditional button front styling, soft elastic leg openings, and elastic back waist make these as easy to wear as they are adorable.

100% Cotton. Sized from newborn to 24 months.

Click here to see Our Litte Girls 100% Cotton Scalloped Edge Dress that coordinates beautifully with these Fancy Pants Diaper Covers.

January 28th, 2011

Embroider This! is proud to offer a new 100% Cotton Baby Romper embroidery blank. This Classic Cotton Baby Romper makes a wonderful gift when personalized with your machine embroidery.  Add swag of flowers or a string of sailboat across the bodice to make this a on-of-a-kind outfit  for a lucky baby.

Our Cotton Baby Romper is available in white and has been is styled to be appropriate for either  a little girl or a little boy. The Embroider This! Cotton Baby Romper is offered in 6 sizes ranging from newborn to 24 Months.

This is a popular garment for Baby’s Christenings and and for special events and is comfortable for everyday wear.  Pair this romper with  one of our Keepsake Christening Bonnets and and one of our White Cuddle Block Baby Throws to create a baptismal set that will become a treasured  family  heirloom.

Our Cotton Baby Romper has a round neck and short sleeves with white plastic snaps at the shoulder and crotch so it’s easier to dress a wiggly baby.  This classic romper is also known as a Baby Bubble Suit due to the shaping from the gentle elastic at the legs!

Too cute!

January 21st, 2011

My New Year’s resolution is to write more blog posts!

We have had so many new and exciting things happening at that is has been a challenge keeping up with it all, but the recent snow days have given me much needed time to catch up!

Most recently, we have received a long awaited shipment of beautiful baby clothes for you to embroider. It had become increasingly difficult to find quality baby and toddler wear that did not already have some embellishment.  I wanted to provide you with baby dress blanks that are appropriate for you to decorate with your machine embroidery, imprint, painting or screen print techniques so I decided to pursue developing a source.  Little did I know just how long this would take, but here they finally are, a few years in the making!

Our Classic Big Girl Linen Dress item# 03-54 is available in both crisp white and soft blush pink. This Linen Dress has all the features you are looking for in an easy care 55% Linen/45% Cotton blend that gets softer with each wash and wrinkles less.  This simple sleeveless dress is fashioned with a button back bodice, round neckline, and a softly gathered full skirt hemmed with two rows of hemstitching.

The Embroider This! Big Girl’s Linen Dress  is available in five sizes (6-12MO, 12-24MO, 2T, 3T, and 4T. Add a design to the bodice, around the hem, or get creative and decorate the whole skirt!

Embroider This – BBB

June 21st, 2010

Here at we strive to provide you with top quality products for machine embroidery at a fair price with Excellent Customer Service. We are in our seventh year of business and have been a member of the Better Business Bureau since May of 2005.

It is with great pleasure I share with you our most recent

Certificate of No Complaints from the BBB

We truely care about the job we do for you and welcome your comments and questions about our products and our store. is committed to answering your phone calls and e-mails in a timely manner, most often within 24 hours!  So, keep your embroidery machines humming and contact us anytime, we love to hear from you!

June 18th, 2010

Recently  added to the gift section of the  new Napkin / Note holder has become an instant hit!

 This embroidery blank item from is a versatile gift item that can be used to hold letters, note paper, or napkins. The brushed silver tone edging will be the perfect complement to your custom embroidered insert. You can personalize this item with your own machine embroidered fabric, artwork, or a photo.

The Napkin / Note holder has two 4″ x 6″ areas for you to insert your personalized piece giving you plenty of room to be creative!

 Use your own fabric and embroidery machine and choose a  design from our  over 200 Free Machine Embroidery Designs offered by Embroider This! to create a one of a kind gift.

This item would be great paired with our Clear Acrylic Napkin Ring and Clear Acrylic Hot Plate for a personalized kitchen gift set.

Visit Embroider This! today and you will find many unique gifts and embroidery blanks!

June 16th, 2010

Hi Folks,

I have just uploaded the latest free design to our web store Embroider This!

This design is a classic favorite and will to add a touch of nautical flair to any of our machine embroidery blanks and gift items.  The design Vintage Compass looks great stitched out on fabric then inserted into our Travel Tumbler. What a great gift for Dads this Father’s Day!

We have a special section on Embroider This dedicated to unique gifts for men. You will find a large array of items for all the men on your list!

You will find the new free design Vintage Compass under the section New Free Designs on our Free Designs page of If this is your first time visiting our free designs page, be sure to sign in with your name and e-mail address so we can keep you up to date on all the exciting products and free designs in our bi-monthly e-mailed newsletter. If you have visited us before, simply scroll down the free design page and use the link for returning members.

We bring you new free designs each month and are frequently adding new items so check back with us soon!

Handkerchief Gift Boxes

June 16th, 2010

Hi Folks,

I have received several inquiries about the availability of our old style gift box for handkerchiefs. Unfortunately, the supplier of our orignal handkerchief gift box has discontinued the line so I am not longer able to get them. I am currenlty working with another vendor to develop a custom handkerchief gift box similar to the old style 106-911. The newly developed style will be a bit larger *8.5″ x 8.5″ x .5″ and will have a clear celophane window in the front to diplay the contents. I should be receiving a production sample this week and if all goes well, the boxes can go to production next week. I expect stock within a month. I’ll announce the arrival of this new style box in our e-mailed newsletter as soon as they arrive! In the meantime, we do offer a single handkerchief gift envelope that makes a lovely presentation.

You will find our current Gift Box Folder by clicking here.


My Embroidery Mentor

May 20th, 2010

My Embroidery Mentor is a site dedicated to helping both embroidery hobbyists and professionals master the art of machine embroidery. For the hobbyist, there are tips and videos on a variety of topics, discussion groups, free designs, pages and pages of finished projects, and all sorts of information designed to inspire your creative instincts! For the professionals (or those who want to become embroidery professionals), there are sections devoted to the key issues in “turning pro” – how to market your embroidery, how much to charge, where to find customers – all written based on years of experience.

My Embroidery Mentor was created by Deborah Jones, a 35-year embroidery veteran, embroidery expert, author and marketing professional. Deborah writes the “Ask the Expert” column in Designs in Machine Embroidery, the leading embroidery magazine. She also writes feature articles for Impressions magazine and her work has appeared on the cover of several machine embroidery magazines. A popular speaker on embroidery topics, she has created instructional videos, written embroidery software manuals and owned a successful embroidery business. Through My Embroidery Mentor, Deborah makes her extensive expertise available to you, through tips, videos, books, and private lessons.

We’ve spent time with Deborah, and we’ve been very impressed with her extensive knowledge of all aspects of machine embroidery. Her book, “Machine Embroidery on Difficult Fabrics“,  is available through Embroider This, and we look forward to partnering with her to bring you the latest in tips and techniques. Check out My Embroidery Mentor, and you’ll be impressed too!

Embroidery Arts

May 7th, 2010
EmbroideryArts is dedicated to producing high quality Machine Embroidery Designs for Monogramming and Personalization. They are the only major company in the world dedicated exclusively to Machine Embroidery Monogram Designs. EmbroideryArts began making digitized monogram designs in 1996, and currently has over 140 styles of monograms for machine embroidery available.
EmbroideryArts is the leader in offering beautiful and quality monogram designs for machine embroidery. They supply their monograms as individual letters, monogram sets, or the very popular collections. You can order their designs on a CD and have it shipped, or you can purchase designs as a direct download and start stitching right away! If you sign up for their free newsletter, you will receive their free “Letter of the Month”, plus access to the archive of all of the past “Letters of the Month”.
Just for being an Embroider This customer, you can receive a 15% discount on anything that you order from EmbroideryArts! Here’s how it works. Click on the special link below and you will be taken directly to the EmbroideryArts website. Order anything you wish and because you arrived at EmbroideryArts through our link, the discount will automatically be applied when you check out. 
Ready to see the great collections of EmbroideryArts monogram designs and get your 15%  Discount? Just click here. (or click any of the EmbroideryArts links contained in this post!).
And, of course, if you are looking for something to put a monogram on – take a look at our men’s handkerchiefs. Adding a monogram transforms our handkerchiefs to a truly special gift. In particular, our linen men’s handkerchief becomes a classic accessory for when your favorite guy dresses for that special occasion. And, remember Father’s Day is just around the corner!